Medication Management (MM)

High Alert Medications

High alert medications have an increased risk of causing harm when used in error.

Look-alike/Sound-alike medication lists are posted in each area where medications are stored. The list is reviewed by the Center Medical Director – Dr. Mark Janes annually.

Look-alike/Sound-alike medications are labeled with a red sticker. Stickers are located in each unit where medications are stored. 


Medication Storage

• Medications must be stored in a locked cabinet or drawer in the clinic, inpatient or residential site.

• Sample medications are stored separately.

• Controlled medications are stored separately.

• Prescribed medications are stored separately.

• Over the counter/first aid medications are stored separately.

• Refrigerated medications are stored in a locked refrigerator.

• Pharmacy Assistance Medications (PAP) are stored separately.

• Topical medications are stored separately.

• Each individual's medications are stored separately.

• Medications are checked monthly and expired/discontinued medications are removed immediately and taken for destruction within five (5) business days

Medication Safety

Multi-Dose Vials – Shall have a white sticker labeled with the 28 day expiration date.

Initial/First dose – Must be administered by a Licensed Nurse. Patient education must occur prior to administering the first/initial dose.

Allergies – Checked before administering all medications.

Individual Served Identifiers – Use at least two identifiers before administering any medication.

Medication refrigerator – No food or drinks. Checked daily in 24/7 staffed units and checked Monday through Friday in clinics. Temperatures must be documented on the Medication Refrigerator logs.

Medication Reconciliation – Medication information must be obtained upon initial visit. CHC makes every effort to obtain and forward medication information from or to the next provider of care.

Sample medications must be labeled by the prescriber before distribution. Medications areas are to be keep clean and free of clutter.

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