
The safety and quality of care, treatment, or services depend on many factors, including the following:

• A culture that fosters safety as a priority for everyone who works at Community Healthcore.

• The planning and provision of services that meet the needs of individuals served.

• The availability of resources – human, financial, and physical – for providing care, treatment, or services.

• The existence of competent staff and other care providers.

• Ongoing evaluation of and improvement in performance.

A safety and quality culture keeps everyone focused on maintaining excellence in performance.

Leadership provides the foundation for effective performance. Five key systems identified by Joint Commission that influence the effective performance of an organization are:

• Using data

• Planning

• Communicating

• Changing performance

• Staffing

Integrating these five key systems throughout the organization will facilitate the effective performance of the organization as a whole.

Our leaders develop a vision and goal for performance based on these key systems and evaluate the performance and develop strategies for future improvements.

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