DON'Ts of How to Be Surveyed

What NOT to DO!

• Lie.

• Bluff.

• Guess.

• Argue.

• Ramble.

• Criticize.

• Elaborate.

• Use acronyms.

• Be overzealous.

• Answer for someone else.

• Allow distractions to the audit (phone calls, texts, etc.)

• Keep or use obsolete documents or records.

• Keep passwords written or otherwise visible.

• Take shortcuts with procedures.

• Use the term JAHCO or JCAHO - the correct term is Joint Commission.

• Leave your screen unlocked when you step away from your computer.

• Have any form of PHI laying out or otherwise visible, other than what the surveyors have requested.

• Allow your text or voice message information to display on the locked screen of your phone, or leave your phone facing up.

• Fill uncomfortable silence with chit chat - This is what is called unraveling! When you think you are just being nice, the surveyor is looking to pull on (like skein of yarn) anything you might say that could lead to a finding.  

Do you have questions or comments?

Please submit them to the Communications Team.