Mission, Vision & Values


Helping People Achieve Dignity, Independence and their Dreams. 


We envision a world in which all people have the opportunity to make choices for themselves that will lead to the highest quality of life possible.

We envision a world in which all people are independent and free from poverty, pain and despair.

We envision a world in which there is no stigma associated with seeking treatment or assistance for mental illness, intellectual disability and substance use.

We envision a world in which all people receive supportive, nurturing care appropriate to their needs in the least restrictive environment possible.


• We value recovery and the ability of people we serve to live beyond their illness.

• We value creativity, innovation, and empowerment of individuals receiving services and employees.

• We value the success of individuals receiving services and employees.

• We value providing safe, healthy, and therapeutic environments for individuals receiving services and employees.

• We value the abilities and talents of individuals receiving services and employees.

• We value continuous quality and performance improvement.

• We value the pursuit of excellence by each employee.

• We value cooperation and teamwork within the center, and between agencies.

• We value community concerns, ideas, and opinions.

• We value respect, dignity, space, and confidentiality for individuals receiving services and employees.

• We value the judicious and effective use of, and access to, available resources.

• We value diversity of thought, opinion and approach born of different backgrounds.

• We respect the value of change.

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