Human Resources (HR)

• Each CHC employee has a written job description.

• CHC performs primary source verifications of staff licensure, certification or registration at the time of hire and renewal.

• HR verifies and documents the education and experience required by the job duties and responsibilities.

• An initial assessment of staff competence is conducted and annually thereafter.

• Criminal background checks are documented. Health screening compliance is documented in HR (TB skin tests, Hepatitis B, Influenza vaccination etc.)

• CHC queries the National Practitioner Data Bank for information on practitioners at the time of hire and at least every two years thereafter.

• CHC orients staff, including contractors, to key safety content before staff provide care, treatment or services. This orientation is documented in the HR record. In addition, staff receives orientation on policies, procedures, job duties and responsibilities, cultural sensitivity to cultural diversity based on their job duties and responsibilities.

• Staff participate in education and training to maintain or increase their competency, whenever changes in their responsibilities require it, and to meet specific needs of the population(s) served by the organization.

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