National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG)

Goal 1 – Improve the accuracy of the identification of individuals served.

A. Use two identifiers for individuals served prior to administering medications, performing tests/collecting specimens (NPSG.01.01.01)

CHC staff uses name, date of birth, SSN, pictures, etc.

Goal 3 – Improve the safety of using medications.

A. Reconciling Medication Information (NPSG .03.06.01)

CHC makes every effort to obtain and forward medication information from or to the next provider of care.

Goal 7 – Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections.

A. Meeting Hand Hygiene Guidelines (NPSG.07.01.01)

Community Healthcore goal = 90%

Goal 15 – The organization identifies safety risks inherent in the population of the individuals served.

A. Identifying Individuals at Risk for Suicide (NPSG 15.01.01)

CHC completes a suicide risk assessments upon initial assessment/intake, at each visit and upon discharge from services to the next provider of services. Screening should include access to lethal means.

B. Identify safety needs and appropriate setting for patients at high risk for suicide.

C. If inpatient, make sure the immediate environment is safe and free of potential risks (sharps etc.)

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