Infection Control

The Infection Control Coordinator is Brenda Clark. Her office number is 903.237.2309 and cell number is 903.736.9493.

Infections are reported to and monitored by the Infection Control Coordinator. An infection control risk assessment is conducted annually to identify infection risks based on our population and setting, care, treatment or services.

The infection control plan is reviewed annually and updated based on identified risks and changes in infection control guidelines.

Hand hygiene is monitored and reported at least quarterly to the Quality Coordination Committee.

CHC’s goal for safe hand hygiene practices is 90%. The single most important means of preventing the spread of infections is to follow basic HAND HYGIENE practice.

Staff should protect themselves from blood, body fluids and excretions regardless of symptoms or diagnosis. This is called STANDARD PRECAUTIONS.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, masks, shields, goggles and gowns are made available to all staff. It is important that you know where these are located in your unit. Clean supplies are kept separate from dirty supplies.

Exposure to blood borne pathogens occur when there is contact with blood or body fluids to non-intact skin, mucous membranes or sharps (razors, needles, lancets etc.).

Transmission-based precautions include contact, droplet, airborne, and direct. Staff follow standardized practice to minimize infection risks related to medical supplies and devices. Devices must be cleaned following standard precautions and the manufacturers cleaning instructions. Expired supplies are removed from inventory and disposed of.

Staff are screened annually for TB. Influenza vaccines are offered annually to all employees.

Remember... infection prevention is everyone’s responsibility!

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Please submit them to the Communications Team.