Emergency Management

Emergency Management Plan

CHC’s written Emergency Management Plan coordinates communications, resources and assets, safety and security, staff responsibilities, utilities, and clinical and support activities during an emergency.

This plan describes the response procedures to follow when emergencies occur, and recovery strategies, actions and individual responsibilities necessary to restore the organization’s care, treatment, or services after an emergency.

A hazardous vulnerability analysis (HVA) is conducted by our organization to help identify potential emergencies for each location.


One or more of the following may be your role or responsibility during disaster events or drills:

• Identify individuals served for possible discharge or transfer to another facility.

• Report to your main department for assignment.

• Assist with transport of individuals served to home or another facility.

• Ensure availability of equipment or supplies including medications for those being discharged home.

If you don’t know your role in disasters, ask your supervisor for clarification! 

Do you have questions or comments?

Please submit them to the Communications Team.